近日,接到Biotechnol. Biofuels编辑部的来信,我室硕士生伍峙亮同学于2013年12月16日在该刊物上发表的学术论文“小麦品种和水稻突变体的细胞壁三大结构因子显著影响其秸秆降解效率(Biomass digestibility is predominantly affected by three factors of wall polymer features distinctive in wheat accessions and rice mutants)”,发布5个月以来,在Biotechnol. Biofuels网站上的点击量已达到3000次(不包括PubMed中心及其他网站),平均每天20次。编辑部指出,高点击量表明论文的重要性较高。
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From: "Biotechnology for Biofuels BioMed Central Editorial"
Date: 2014/05/19
Subject: Download statistics for your Open Access article Biotechnology for Biofuels
Dear Prof Peng,
We thought you might be interested to know how many people have read your article:
Biomass digestibility is predominantly affected by three factors of wall polymer features distinctive in wheat accessions and rice mutants: the launch of Biotechnology for Biofuels Zhiliang Wu, Mingliang Zhang, Lingqiang Wang, Yuanyuan Tu, Jing Zhang, Guosheng Xie, Weihua Zou, Fengcheng Li, Kai Guo, Qing Li, Chunbao Gao and Liangcai Peng
Biotechnology for Biofuels, 6:183 (16 Dec 2013)
Total accesses to this article since publication: 3000
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